What is decorative vinyl upholstery fabric?
Vinyl fabric is composed of three basic layers of materials:
- Vinyl Wear Layer
- Vinyl Foam
- Base Fabric


Care and Cleaning

Antiseptic Surface Treatment
Bleach can be diluted up to 9:1 ratio (10%). Liberally apply diluted disinfectant using a sponge, rinse with cold water several times and then wipe dry. Repeat if necessary.

Normal Office/Household Use
Most stains can be easily cleaned using warm, soapy water and clear water rinses. Moderate scrubbing with a medium bristle brush will help to loosen soiling materials from the depressions of embossed surfaces. For more stubborn stains, use commercially available mild detergent in accordance to the manufacturer’s instructions. When using a new cleaner, test it in an inconspicuous area. Cleaner manufacturers may change formula without notice. Full strength rubbing alcohol or mineral spirits may be tried with caution if the commercially available cleaners do not work. Indiscriminate use of strong solvents can severely damage or discolor the vinyl.

Ballpoint Ink
Ink spots will stain vinyl permanently. Immediately wipe with rubbing alcohol in a well-ventilated area. This will remove much of the stain.

Oil Based Paint
The use of turpentine in a well-ventilated area will remove fresh paint. Dried paint must be moistened carefully with a semi0sold gel type stripper so that the softened paint can be gently scraped away. Rinse with soap and water. Caution: Direct contact with the paint strippers will remove the print pattern on the vinyl. Wear gloves for protection while cleaning.

Latex Paint
Fresh paint can be wiped off with a damp cloth. Hot soapy water will normally remove dried latex.

Tar, Asphalt
Remove immediately, prolonged contact with result in permanent stain. Use a cloth lightly dampened with mineral spirits or kerosene and rub stain gently, working from the outer edge of the stain towards the center in order to prevent spreading. Rinse with soap and water.

Crayon, Mustard, Ketchup
Sponge with mild soap and water. For stubborn stains that have set, use a cloth soaked in diluted mild detergent with gentle rubbing. Any remaining stain should be washed with diluted bleach. Rinse with cold water.

Chewing Gum
Scrape off as much as possible with a dull knife. Rubbing with an ice cube with assist and make it easier to remove when scraping. The remaining should be removed in a well-ventilated area using a cloth saturated with mineral spirits. Use light rubbing, rinse thoroughly with clean water.

Lipstick, Grease, Oil, Shoe Polish
Apply a small quantity of mineral spirits with a soft cloth and gentle rubbing. Take care not to spread the stain by smearing it beyond its original source. Immediately removal of shoe polish is suggested or permanent staining will occur. Rinse thoroughly with clean water.

Candy, Ice Cream, Fruit Stains, Liquor, Wine, Soft Drinks

Use clear, lukewarm water and a sponge repeatedly. Loose material should be gently scraped away with a dull knife. Any soiled area remaining after drying should be gently rubbed with a cloth spotted with a small quantity of alcohol. Rinse thoroughly with clean water.

Rub out any spots with a clean cloth soaked in cool water. If stubborn spots remain, use household ammonia and rinse repeatedly with clean, wet cloth. Do not use hot water or soapsuds, this will set the stain.

Nausea Stains
Sponge the stain area with soap water containing diluted bleach until the stain is removed. Rinse thoroughly with clean water.

Urine Stains
Sponge with soapy water containing small amount of household ammonia. Rinse thoroughly with clean water.

Surface Mildew
Wash with diluted bleach, use a soft brush for stubborn growth. Rinse repeatedly with clear, cold water.



    Related Information:
    Spot and Stain Removal Guide
Vinyl Care and Cleaning
Fabric Colour Chart
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